The Nest
The Nest is an EYFS provision for children at The Chalet School. The Nest follows the children’s curiosity and interests through play. Early years practitioners in the Nest support children’s schematic play patterns so that they can build on individual children’s interests, taking part in learning opportunities through sustained shared learning experiences.
At the Nest the children access continuous provision throughout the day. There are seven areas of learning which are:
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Personal, social and emotional Development
- Literacy
- Math
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
The learning experiences that are set up link to our termly topics which are:
- All around me
- Festivals and Celebrations
- People who help us
- Animals
- What’s the Weather?
- Going on a summer holiday
All of the learning experiences have a sensory approach to them to meet the needs of the children and also link to their EHCP targets.
The Nest Contact Details
Please phone the main Chalet School number on 01793 534537 and you will be transferred to The Nest.
The Nest Location Map
The Nest is located in Unit 16, Headlands Trading Estate, Swindon SN2 7JQ