Home Learning - Support for Parents

Parents who would like to do additional work at home with their children can access the links below. In discussion with the class teacher, tasks can be set for individual pupils as necessary. See below for more information:  

  • Curriculum Ideas - teachers will use Purple Mash to set activities linked to a range of subject specific areas when requested by parents. The teacher can track pupil engagement and set new tasks for the child to complete when their 'To Do List' is finished. Please click here to login in to Purple Mash
  • Attention Autism - YouTube clips of Gina Davis' Attention Autism i.e. bucket-group engagement activities are available for parent/carers to access Please click here for Stage 1 ideas & please click here for stage 2 ideas.
  • Communication Ideas - School generate weekly videos of our sign and word of the week with the staff & children. Please click here for our sign and word of the week videos.
  • Maths -  We have put together a short document explaining some of the different ways that you can help your child to further develop their maths skills and language; these ideas will also support the work that they are already doing in school with their teachers. Please click here for Maths Ideas to do at home. 

  • Reading - We have put together some reading tips for you to do at home with your child to support their reading and literacy skills.  Please click here for reading tips to do at home.