Maths at Home

As you will already know, Maths, along with English and Personal Social Health Economic (PSHE) education, make up the core elements of your child’s curriculum at The Chalet School. 

To help you support your child with Math at home we have also put together a short document explaining some of the different ways that you can help your child to further develop their maths skills and language; these ideas will also support the work that they are already doing in school with their teachers. The important thing about these suggestions are that they are all based around the concept of learning through play and making maths fun – in fact many of them may well be things that you are already doing with your children without really considering it as a learning experience. In addition to this, each of these ideas require minimal resources or uses things which you are likely to have at home already.

If you would like to discuss any of these ideas or find out anything more then please contact your child’s class teacher via their home schoolbook or via the school reception and will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Please click on the link below for Maths Ideas to support your child at home

Maths Ideas for Parents